I began this body of work in order to find an approach that would allow me the freedom to understand the creative process. Looking at nature, and how things are created and destroyed was an important discovery. I found that many things in the physical world are similar in appearance and design and yet each one had something about it that made it "unique". Over the last two years I began to incorporate a similar process of creating in my own work. Nature exits as a complex living process in constant motion, however, the making of art objects is simple and is more reliant on aesthetic principles of design. A major catalyst in my approach was music. I believe the abstract sounds of the instruments in harmony and constant motion enabled me to envision works of glorious color patterns in balance with lines holding the rhythm to each work. Thus the an individual work became a singular performance with highs and lows in melodies and rhythms. However, not unlike nature each piece was its own "creature" carrying its distinct visual process of creation and destruction. In the end, a series of work developed which I titled after the aesthetic principle of rhythm. Here is a sample of this series. All works available for sale. Portfolio available upon request.
(Click Here for Full Screen Version)
(click on title on list to view art)
No. 49
Ritmo No.
Ritmo No.
Works on Paper (click on title on list to view art)
Untitled No. 1
Untitled No. 4
Untitled No. 2
Untitled No. 6
Untitled No. 3
Untitled No. 7
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